FAQ/Contact Us
Learn the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our flagship Walk to Cure Arthritis fundraising events.
What is the Walk to Cure Arthritis?
The Walk to Cure Arthritis is the flagship fundraising event for the Arthritis Foundation that features local teams raising funds to fight arthritis. The nationwide event generally takes place during the month of May aligning with National Arthritis Awareness Month.
Why should I participate?
Much more than just a walk, it’s where we join together to see the power of LIVING YES in action. Where we celebrate Arthritis Warriors and connect with others in the community, while raising funds for research, resources and a cure. Whether you’re an Arthritis Warrior yourself or care about someone who is, sign up for Walk to Cure Arthritis, raise money and celebrate living life to the fullest!
How long is the route?
The Walk to Cure Arthritis is a non-competitive, fully accessible 5-kilometer (3.1 miles) course with a one-mile option for those who wish to walk a shorter distance.
How do I sign up for the event?
Participants can register online at
or by contacting a local chapter office. Once you register, you will receive all of the necessary tools to get your fundraising efforts started.
How does the event define a team?
A team is a group of participants who have joined together to raise funds and take part in the Walk to Cure Arthritis. Team members can include coworkers, friends, family, neighbors, clients, etc. Anyone you can think of who wants to participate!
Is it difficult to organize a team?
No, team participation is easy! All teams are led by a team captain. Team captains volunteer to serve as the liaison between the Arthritis Foundation and your organization. Team captains receive a "Team Captain Packet" with instructions and materials to ensure success in building a walk team.
How can my company participate?
Companies can participate by organizing a team(s) of co-workers, vendors, family and friends to raise money and walk in the event. Your company can also help sponsor the event! Contact your local Arthritis Foundation staff for corporate sponsorship information.
How can top management get involved with the Walk to Cure Arthritis?
Your CEO or Senior Level Management Staff can help by issuing an "Walk to Cure Arthritis" challenge among employees. Ask them to endorse a memo to all staff requesting their participation and suggest they offer a free company t-shirt to generate excitement and gain publicity.
Is the Walk to Cure Arthritis limited to corporate teams?
No! In fact, we encourage team participation through civic organizations, schools, family and friends. Individuals are also welcome to participate!
Is my corporation/organization required to make a specific contribution?
No. Teams tend to generate a larger contribution by raising funds as individuals. However, matching gifts can double your fundraising dollars!
How are funds raised through team participation?
Each team member is responsible for achieving their own fundraising goal. Don’t be afraid to set a high goal, most participants raise $200 or more! Participants can raise funds online by setting up their very own personal web page and asking friends, family and co-workers to donate.
How is the money collected?
For donations made online, the Arthritis Foundation will receive these funds instantly. All other donations (check or cash) should be turned in to your team captain. Team captains are responsible for turning in their team's funds to the Arthritis Foundation.
How is the money used?
Money raised from the Walk to Cure Arthritis will help fund
the mission
of the Arthritis Foundation, which is to boldly pursue a cure for America’s #1 cause of disability, while championing the fight against arthritis with life-changing resources, science, advocacy and community connections.
Events Information
Walk to Cure Arthritis
For more details on the Arthritis Foundation's Walk to Cure Arthritis please contact the Arthritis Foundation toll-free at 404-872-7100 or e-mail
[email protected]
To find the Walk to Cure Arthritis event being held nearest to you, visit your local Arthritis Foundation office directly.