Sign up to be an Ambassador

You are the expert on arthritis. You know how arthritis impacts your health, lifestyle, family and work. Congress needs to know, too! Volunteer to serve as an official liaison between the Arthritis Foundation and your Members of Congress as an Arthritis Ambassador.

“The Ambassador program gives people an opportunity to channel passion into action and make a difference on the state and federal levels for everyone with arthritis.”

– Margo Deihl, Fredericksburg, Virginia

“You can actually make a difference!  It’s a learning experience and brings you out of your box and expands your horizon.  It’s not just about helping the Arthritis Foundation, but your family, too, and finding a cure for everyone with arthritis.”

– Keith Moschitta, Atoka, Tennessee

Before completing the brief sign-up form below, please read our Arthritis Ambassador formal role description carefully. We depend on our volunteers to participate in the planning and implementation of our initiatives, and it is imperative that you understand and agree to the commitment involved in this program before signing up! Please note that Ambassadors must be at least 18 years of age.