Disease Management
Take control of your arthritis by learning more about your disease and ways to stay healthy, including treatments, infection risk management and related conditions.
Hear a rheumatologist discuss some common myths and misconceptions about arthritis and medications used to treat it, which might help you make more informed decisions about your treatment. Arthritis Myths Busters
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COVID One Year Later & Vaccine Update
It’s been a year, but people with arthritis still have many questions about how COVID-19 will affect them. In this episode, Dr. Ted Mikuls, a rheumatologist and researcher at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, helps answer questions about the new COVID-19 vaccines, emerging variants of the virus, and all that we have learned in the year since the pandemic began.
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Whether you are recently diagnosed with arthritis or are well into your journey of living with the disease, occupational therapy can help you learn to manage your symptoms and get you back to doing activities you want or need to do. Learn about the many benefits of adding occupational therapy to your care and the research that supports available treatments. Occupational Therapy Benefits
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Arthritis Patient Experiences with COVID-19
People with chronic conditions like arthritis have particular concerns about COVID-19. In this episode, listen to two arthritis patients talk about their experiences with the virus and how they dealt with it.
As more and more of us head back to work, re-evaluating our workspaces will become a necessity. Tune in to this episode to hear a top workplace ergonomics specialist and occupational therapist share insights on how to solve common workspace challenges and get the key principles to protecting your joints while you work. Workplace Ergonomics
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Arthritis rarely comes alone. In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Amanda Nelson of the UNC Thurston Arthritis Research Center, who talks about related conditions and diseases that often occur with various forms of arthritis, and how you can manage them and their effects. Arthritis-Related Conditions
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As a juvenile arthritis warrior and a young woman NASCAR driver, Natalie Decker knows all about physical and emotional challenges. Listen to her inspiring story and find out how she’s stays in the driver’s seat with her JA and her career. Natalie Decker: Driven to Beat Arthritis
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Setting goals is easy — achieving them is another matter. Health goals are just another part of living well with arthritis, but their importance should not be overlooked. Whether you want to achieve remission, move more, eat better, improve your mood or simply get a good night’s sleep, identifying the obstacles and learning how to avoid self-sabotage are just a few factors in your formula for success. In this episode, experts share a unique approach to setting and achieving any goal you set. You won’t want to miss it! Formula for Success
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Arthritis-related fatigue can signal an oncoming flare, and it can ratchet up pain and depression. Hear an expert discuss causes of fatigue and ways to relieve it and get a good night’s sleep. Fatigue & Sleep Solutions
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People of color face more challenges when it comes to managing arthritis, including delayed diagnosis, ineffective doctor-patient communication, mistrust and under-treatment of pain. In this episode, Michael L. Parks, MD, associate attending at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) and associate professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at Weill Cornell College of Medicine, and Ashira D. Blazer, MD, MSCI, assistant attending physician at HSS and assistant professor of medicine at Weil Cornell Medical College discuss how health disparities impact arthritis care and their origins. Plus, they’ll provide potential solutions to help minority patients better take control of their arthritis. Tackling Arthritis Challenges for Patients of Color
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