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2023 Walk to Cure Arthritis Kickoff
Ready to Rock the Walk in 2023?
We are. And we're here to get you amped up to rock with us! Join NASCAR driver and Arthritis Champion Ambassador Natalie Decker ... Arthritis Foundation CEO Steve Taylor ... Arthritis Foundation Senior Vice President of Field Management Michael Privette ... national co-chairs and arthritis warriors Jacquelyn Overberg (JJO) and Cristina Schaefer ... and our two Walk to Cure Arthritis honorees, Amanda and Abby, as we kick off Walk to Cure Arthritis 2023!
This is your first stop by registering for the upcoming Walk event in your area. Sign up. Form a team. Get in the lineup to help conquer arthritis — individually or as a team.
Register TodayDonate
Make a donation yourself. Your example will trigger even more donations to conquer arthritis. Consider starting with $60 to represent the nearly 60 million Americans who battle arthritis.
Donate NowRecruit
Your contacts can help grow the arthritis movement and change the future. Invite others to donate and spread the word for an even bigger impact. Let’s conquer arthritis together!
Recruit Others2023 WTCA National Honoree
Walk Honoree Spreads Hope to Sick Patients
Despite struggling with ankylosing spondylitis, Amanda Watt pushes through to succeed.
Read Her Story2023 WTCA National Honoree
Young Author Shares Her Tale of Triumph
In her book, Abby tells how she has tackled juvenile arthritis and two more diseases.
Read Her Story