Meet Our Advocacy Team

Engaging in advocacy is easy! Our Advocacy Leadership Team is here to support you in taking your first steps. Elected officials want to hear from you, and its our job to help you effectively communicate with them and achieve your goals.

Vice President, Advocacy & Access
Advocacy leadership

Policy Director
Federal and state policy

Advocacy Director
Advocacy Committees and volunteer training

Advocacy Manager
Grassroots communications, advocacy events, and administrative questions

Director of State Legislative Affairs
State legislation

The Advocacy & Access Team is here to help. To contact a member of our team, please email [email protected]

Take Action

Share Your Story to Take Action

Sharing your arthritis story is crucial to breaking down barriers to care for patients across the country. Your unique story puts a human face on a complex disease and helps legislators understand the need to address barriers to care: high costs of treatment, difficulty accessing medications, scarcity of specialists and coinsurance that limits access to treatment. There are many opportunities for sharing your story – from writing a blog post to sharing your story on Capitol Hill - you will be a part of increasing the visibility of arthritis among policymakers. If you are experiencing a barrier to care, we want to hear from you.

Share your story
Advocate for What's Right

As an Arthritis Advocate, you’ll feel good about taking action to make health care more accessible. Help shift the policy and public perception that affects those living with arthritis.

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