Self-Help Arthritis Devices
These tools can make life with arthritis a little easier.
If you have arthritis, self-help devices, also known as assistive devices, can make tasks easier on your joints and more efficient for you. These products, which range from simple to elaborate, help keep joints in the best position for functioning, provide leverage when needed and extend your range of motion. Simple arthritis self-help devices, such as jar openers, reachers and easy-grip utensils can be purchased online (Amazon is a great source) or at many hardware or medical supply stores.
In the bedroom. When dressing, zipper pulls and buttoning aids can help you fasten clothing. Or you can choose to wear clothing with Velcro fasteners, if available. A long-handled shoehorn extends your reach without bending.
In the kitchen. Appliances such as electric can openers, food processors and mandolins for slicing make work easier. Reachers - long-handled tools with a gripping mechanism - can be used to retrieve items stored high or low. Built-up handles and grips make utensils easier to grasp and put less stress on finger joints. Install a fixed jar opener, or keep a rubber jar opener in the kitchen.
In the bathroom. Tub bars and handrails provide additional stability and security when getting into and out of the bath or shower. These are a must if you have problems with balance. Faucet levers or tap turners are available if your grip is weak. A raised toilet seat can make it easier to sit down and get up from the toilet.
In the office. Many devices and modifications are available in the work environment, from chairs and work surfaces with adjustable-height to telephones with large push buttons and hands-free headsets.If you are facing work modifications, you may want to see an occupational therapist about arthritis self-help tools and consult a vocational rehabilitation specialist, a sub-specialty of occupation therapy. He or she can help you make changes and obtain the devices you need.
In your free time.
Leisure activities can still be enjoyable using assistive arthritis devices, such as kneelers and light-weight hoses for gardening, “no-hands” frames for quilting or embroidery, and card holders and shufflers for card games.
In the car.
When driving, a wide key holder can make it much easier to turn on the ignition. A gas cap opener can help when filling the tank at the gas station.
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